Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hungry Ghost Festival : Hungzai Hungry Ghost Contest

Hungry Ghost festival is a popular occasion that is taken very seriously by the Chinese. This festival falls on the 7th month of the lunar New Year. It is believed by the Chinese that during this month, the gates of hell are opened to free the hungry ghosts who then wander to seek food on Earth. Also, the Chinese celebrate this festival is to remember their dead family members and pay tribute to them. They also feel that offering food to the deceased appeases them and wards off bad luck.

During the 7th month, the Chinese offer prayers to the deceased relatives and burn joss sticks. In Singapore, it is a common sight to see entertaining ‘wayang’ shows and concerts performed on outdoor stages in some neighborhoods. These events are always held at night. There is a belief that this entertainment would please those wandering ghosts and we commonly addressed them as “good brothers”

The Chinese also do a lot of offerings to the deceased. These offerings are made by burning fake money notes, which are also known as ‘hell money’ and even paper television or radio sets. Some families also burn paper houses & cars to give to their dead relatives. The Chinese feel that these offerings reach the ghosts and help them live comfortably in their world.

I personally don’t believe in ghost but I have a friend who claims that he has “ying- yang eyes”, meaning he could see “good brothers” from the other side of the world. He didn’t know he has this “ying-yang eyes” until one terrifying encounter during his vacation job before he enters into Polytechnic.

It’s a job in a Hospital, the material management department. His job was to send all kinds of equipments to wards and offices, could be medical supplies or office stationeries. One day, he made his round up to the SICU and pass supplies to the ward. He pressed for the lift and when it came, he pushed his trolley into it and entered it pressed the B2 button for his department. The door closed and suddenly it opened. Thinking that maybe there was someone outside, he peeped out but there was no one there. He pressed the close button again.....and the same thing happens again!!!! This happened for four times... and he start to get panic and got this hair rising feeling so he quickly exited the lift and when he look back to the lift, a shock is awaiting for him.....

He saw a small boy squat on the floor, weeping……and eventually faded, he could feel his throat is dry and trying very hard to shout but no voice came out. Since that day, he was sick for almost one week. Till now I’m not sure if he still can see “good brothers” or not as he says he cannot tell us too much. But whenever comes to the Hungry Ghost month, he will try to stay home and won’t go home late.

This blog post is an entry for HungZai Hungry Ghosts Story Contest which is sponsored by the film of A MONTH OF HUNGRY GHOSTS which open in Singapore cinemas August 7th.

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